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We find ourselves at the midpoint of season ten, and with each passing week, the intensity escalates.
The challenges become increasingly demanding, the scrutiny from the judges grows more stringent, and the team sizes dwindle steadily. With only seven contestants remaining after the surprising voting elimination last week, this week introduces fresh challenges, a new sponsor, evolving team dynamics, and a chance for the participants to elevate their performance once again.
Creating a social safety net
Government reports, based on assessment and records suggest the number of informal settlements are said to be in the region of 3 200. Based on existing knowledge, about 1.3 million households which account for almost five million people, live in informal settlements in and around the major metropolitan cities.
Two of the greatest risks these communities face are the outbreak of floods and the rapid spread of fires, leaving them devastated with little immediate state assistance. Sasria has long stood as a beacon of hope in addressing market gaps and reducing the burden of contingencies on the government.
With this, the contestants are challenged to innovate solutions for this pressing problem in episode four, sponsored by Sasria SOC Ltd. The aim is to create a social safety net product for Sasria that will be 100% subsidised by the State as the last insurer of resort for the most vulnerable members of society.
The contestants are pushed to think critically and innovatively about a pressing issue. Would their solutions be innovative, feasible, safe and durable, and, most importantly, efficient and cost-effective?
Did they win over head judge, Simon Colman, co-judge Nox Dlamini, and sponsor judge Muzi Dladla, Executive Manager: Stakeholder Management at Sasria SOC Ltd?
Watch it here
We would like to thank Sasria SOC Ltd for sponsoring episode four of The Insurance Apprentice 2024.
- To watch the episode on YouTube, click HERE
- To watch it on the website click HERE
- To watch it on Facebook, click HERE
Let us know who you think is most likely to be crowned The Insurance Apprentice 2024 same place, next week!