Senior Marketer
Lombard Broker Partners
Did you choose a career in insurance or did you fall into the industry like so many others? Briefly share your story.
I fell into insurance. After studying my chartered accounting undergrad, I decided I no longer wanted to be an accountant and was looking for something that was more relationship based. My father was a sales manager from Old Mutual Personal Financial Advice and I joined his team as an academy adviser. After being at Old Mutual for three years, I decided to take an opportunity with Associated Insurance Brokers Cape. This allowed me to specialise in short term insurance. I was a broker for 8 years before moving to the insurer side in July last year, where I took up a role as a senior marketer.
Why did you choose to enter The Insurance Apprentice?
It is a show that I have watched since my former colleague Kurt Stanley entered, I have always enjoyed the concept and thought it is a tremendous challenge. While I was broking, I didn’t really have the time to consider entering. Knowing I was open to it my manager Robyn Petersen really pushed me to consider entering this year.
In your mind, what qualities should an ambassador of The Insurance Apprentice have?
They should very much reflect the core values in our industry, professional, honesty and integrity. They should also be fun and be able to create relationships. I think that as a participant of TIA you must be able to grow and I think that goes for an ambassador too. I think someone who is warm and personable will only be a positive too.
Who has been the biggest influencer on your career and why?
Burton Lewis, he mentored me at AIB Cape. His knowledge is incredible, but his story is even more inspiring. He worked as an admin clerk at AIB since he was 18 and travelled on the morning train from Worcester into town. He would read wordings every day and that’s how he gained his knowledge. He worked his way up to underwriter, underwriting manager and is now a director.
In a tweet of 140 characters explain why insurance ROCKS!!!
Insurance allows people to have piece of mind. It has such a positive affect on so many facets of our environment. Job creation and giving back and sponsorship. It’s noble.
What would be your dream Apprentice task and why?
A collaborative one, maybe including a past winner, the judges contribute, all of the contestants and a sponsor. Something that will then leave a legacy. We create a product or an idea that actually gets put into place and we, as the contestants, are known as the brains behind it.
What song would you choose for your Insurance Apprentice victory dance?
Shakira ft Freshly Ground – Waka Waka
A message to all the TIA sponsors?
Thank you for investing in the future of our industry, I can assure you that the talent is incredible, and the people are good people. You are directly involved in allowing the young leaders to realise their full potential. We appreciate it more than you know.
How important is winning for you?
As much as I would like to say winning is not everything, it really is the reason we enter into these competitions. It may seem like a dream but dreams do come true. I guess that sums it up. It would be a dream come true.
Advice to yourself about what you should remember and focus on as you are going into the competition.
Be yourself, understand the brief, know who you are pitching to, encourage your fellow contestants shine as brightly as possible. You are not competing against anyone but yourself. Have fun. Make memories and make as many connections as possible.